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How Regular Car Maintenance Can Save You Money

While skipping a car maintenance appointment in an effort to save money may seem like the best choice, keeping up with regular maintenance can actually save you money in the long run. Regular car maintenance helps you avoid digging deep into your pockets at the most inconvenient and unsuspecting times. Keep reading to discover how routine car maintenance can save you money.

vehicle being serviced at auto repair shop

1. Prevent Large Repairs

Regular maintenance allows you to identify and take care of smaller problems that could potentially lead to larger and more critical issues with your vehicle. One maintenance process that is a great example of this is regularly changing your engine oil. If you don't change your engine oil regularly, it turns into sludge and can eventually cause your engine to seize up. The cost of repairing a seized engine goes as high as $5,000, or even more. In contrast, the cost of an oil change in Missouri is typically between just $20 to $85, depending on the oil your car needs.

2. Save Money On Gas

Everyone wants to save as much as they can on fuel or gas. You may have even chosen your vehicle based on this exact economic reason. However, you should understand that failing to take care of simple problems like a worn-out tire or a worn-out clutch could cause you to use more fuel. Going for a car service allows you to spot and take care of these issues that invisibly eat into your pocket.

3. Avoid Emergency Breakdowns

It's one thing for your vehicle to not start, and it's a whole other situation where it stops in the middle of the highway while on your way to work or that urgent football practice. What's the difference? Apart from the additional inconvenience, you incur unexpected costs like towing fees that could go up to $250. Regular maintenance helps you avoid sudden breakdowns and emergency repair costs.

Keep Up with Regular Car Maintenance at Custom Complete Automotive

Ultimately, regular maintenance helps you avoid spending thousands on a new part or car. At Custom Complete Automotive, we employ the best equipment and practices in our auto maintenance processes to ensure all issues are appropriately identified and reliably fixed. To learn more about our auto repair services, or to schedule an appointment at one of our locations in Missouri, contact our team today!

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About the Author
Eric Riddles

Eric Riddles is an ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician who has been working as an auto mechanic since 1998 and originally joined the team at Custom Complete Automotive in 2005. Eric has numerous certifications in various aspects of car repair and spent 10 years training the next generation of auto technicians at a local high school Auto Shop classroom.

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